Inclusion Advocate

I am legally blind. I have low tunnel vision in my right eye, and no vision in my left. I consider both eyes as gifts. My blind eye requires me to experience things through touch, memory and imagination. I find my inner vision to be more powerful than my eyesight. It gives me the ability to be more alert, sensitive, and aware of everything around me. It helps me see from my heart and soul. It shows me what I really know.

I believe the sighted eye tends to trick us all into thinking that what we see is the same as what we know. I think we need our inner vision, or mind’s eye, to let us look deeper into the beauty of life itself.

Disabilities are often thought of as a negative, but I prefer to look at the possibilities of disabilities. I hope my plays will allow you to appreciate how vital it is to celebrate differences among each other. I look forward to connecting with you.

- Leslye Orr